From ArgentWiki
T3-Mini / OTUSB-Mini
The Mini board is an embeddable tracker module measuring 1.72" by 1.12" (43mm by 28mm) and weighing 5.5 grams. The same board can be equipped with a Tracker3 MCU or an OpenTracker USB MCU, configurations referred to as the T3-Mini and OTUSB-Mini respectively.
The Mini features 13 general-purpose I/O pins (GP1 through GP12 and AUX) and four analog inputs. Connections are made through 34 contacts in two rows of 17, with a pitch of 0.1" and row spacing of 1" center to center. A mini USB type B connector provides a simple connection for a PC.
All software functions of the full-size versions are retained.
Pin Assignments
Pin | Function |
A1-A4 | Analog inputs 1-4 (max 4xVdd) |
1W | Dallas 1-Wire data bus |
SQL | Squelch input |
AUX | Auxiliary I/O pin |
GND / GND2 | Ground |
GP1-GP12 | General purpose digital input/output pins |
RST | Reset (active low) |
B-RX | Serial port B input |
B-TX | Serial port B output |
A-RX | Serial port A input |
A-TX | Serial port A output |
CFG | Configuration select |
GRN | Green LED output for external LED |
RED | Red LED output for external LED |
AOUT | Audio output (to radio) |
AIN | Audio input (from radio) |
PTT | Push-to-talk (open collector) |
5V | Regulator output or Vdd input, 5v max, 2.8v min |
VIN | Unregulated supply voltage, 6v to 28v |
GP6 also functions as the power relay output.
For safe mode, jumper CFG to 1WIRE at startup.