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<page pageid="70" ns="0" title="SSTVCAM">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">The Argent Data Systems SSTVCAM module is a self-contained slow-scan television encoder with an integrated digital camera.
[ PDF Data Sheet]
[[File:Sstvcam_v1.1.jpg|thumb|SSTVCAM with camera]]
== Features ==
* Scottie 1, Scottie 2, Robot 36 and Robot 72 modes
* Manual trigger or automatic timed operation
* 8 frames of non-volatile image storage
* Character encoder for Scottie modes
* 60 degree FOV with standard lens
* 75 mA current draw while transmitting, 3.5 mA idle
== Hardware Description ==
The SSTVCAM board measures 1.5" by 1.28" (38mm by 35mm) and is 0.85" (22mm) high with the camera installed. It weighs approximately 1/3 ounce (9 grams.) At a minimum, the board requires a power supply and connection to the transmitter's microphone input.
=== Pinouts ===
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! Pin
! Function
| Power input - 5 to 12 volts DC
| Ground
| GND3
| Ground
| Sends or stores a frame
| Selects memory retrieve mode
| Selects memory store mode
| Selects SSTV format
| Selects SSTV format
| Open collector push-to-talk output
| Audio output
| Serial data input (LVTTL) - 3.3v max
| Serial data output (LVTTL)
| SEL1
| Selects memory slot or timer interval
| SEL2
| Selects memory slot or timer interval
| GND2
| Ground
| SEL3
| Selects memory slot or timer interval
Note that while the unit will function with a 12 volt input, higher input voltages may generate excessive heat at the voltage regulator when the camera is operating. A supply voltage of 9 volts or less is recommended.
The GND, RX, TX, and 3.3V pads across the bottom of the board are provided for remote connection of the camera module. Cable length should be kept to not more than a few inches.
=== Solder Jumpers ===
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! Jumper
! Function
| HT
| Selects handheld PTT mode
| SJ1
| Increases audio output level
| SJ2
| Increases audio output level
[[File:sstvcam_schematic.png|thumb|SSTVCAM schematic]]
== Operation ==
[[File:Sstvcam-capture1.jpg|thumb|SSTVCAM sample capture]]
All of the digital inputs on the SSTVCAM are active low - grounding a pin sets it 'on'. The SSTV format to be used is selected by the MODE1 and MODE2 inputs, as follows:
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! Format
| Off
| Off
| Robot 36
| On
| Off
| Robot 72
| Off
| On
| Scottie 2
| On
| On
| Scottie 1
If STOR and RETR are off, pressing button S1 or momentarily grounding the SEND line triggers an immediate transmission in the selected mode. If STOR is on, a frame will be saved to the memory slot selected by SEL1-SEL3. If RETR is on, a previously saved frame will be sent from the selected memory slot. If both STOR and RETR are on, the unit will operate in self-timed mode, sending frames automatically with a delay between each frame specified by SEL1-SEL3, as follows:
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! SEL1
! SEL2
! SEL3
! Delay
| Off
| Off
| Off
| 0 seconds
| On
| Off
| Off
| 10 seconds
| Off
| On
| Off
| 30 seconds
| On
| On
| Off
| 60 seconds
| Off
| Off
| On
| 120 seconds
| On
| Off
| On
| 300 seconds
| Off
| On
| On
| 600 seconds
| On
| On
| On
| 1200 seconds
=== Character Generator ===
A 1-line character generator occupies the top of the frame in Scottie mode. By default, this line displays the SSTVCAM version and a frame sequence number. The contents of the line can be changed by sending serial data to the unit through the RXD line at 4800 baud with LVTTL (0 to 3.3v) signal levels. Sending a carriage return or linefeed moves the cursor to the start of the line.
Starting with firmware version 1.2, sending an end-of-text (control-C) signal causes the SSTVCAM to save the current line of text to non-volatile memory.</rev>
<page pageid="2538" ns="0" title="Safe Mode">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">OpenTracker USB and Tracker3 firmware builds starting with 56294 (2 January 2013) include a 'safe mode' option to place the device temporarily into its default configuration. The safe mode entry condition is checked only when the tracker first powers on or resets.
For all tracker models, it should always be possible to recover from an invalid configuration using a cold boot procedure over the serial interface. This procedure, however, can be problematic with certain hardware setups. Safe mode offers an alternative to a serial cold boot.
== Safe Mode Entry ==
=== Tracker3 ===
Safe mode is entered on the OT3m by connecting the CT (counter/config) and 1W (1-Wire) pins together while the device powers up. On the OT3m, this can be accomplished by connecting CT and 1W on the front terminal block using a piece of wire. On the T3-301, a piece of wire can be inserted into pins 6 and 7 of the DB9.
The T3-Micro does not have convenient contacts for the CT and 1W inputs, but shorting pins 2 and 21 on the microcontroller will accomplish the same thing. This can be done (carefully!) using a pair of metal tweezers or a piece of wire.
=== OpenTracker USB ===
To place the OpenTracker USB into safe mode, connect pins 2 (1-Wire) and 7 (GPIO1) on internal header CN4 while the device powers up.
== Operation ==
The red LED will blink five times at startup and the indication *SAFE MODE* will appear in the command prompt banner when the tracker is in safe mode. While in safe mode, the tracker will operate from a saved copy of the default configuration, with ports A and B set to AUTO at 4800 baud. The callsign is SAFEMD. Changes to the configuration will affect the normal configuration and not the saved defaults, e.g., MYCALL W1AW will set the callsign of the regular configuration to W1AW but the effective callsign will remain SAFEMD while the device is in safe mode. To exit safe mode, use the RESET command or power off the tracker after removing the jumper used to enter safe mode.
=== Restoring Defaults ===
The use of the default configuration is temporary. Normal operation will be resumed when safe mode is exited. To overwrite the active configuration with the saved defaults, use the RESET DEFAULT command. The tracker need not be in safe mode to restore defaults.</rev>